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Event Release and Review

ISA Liwan Admissions Launch for the 2023 Academic Year & JEE Centre Inauguration Conference

ISA Liwan Admissions Launch for the 2023 Academic Year & JEE Centre Inauguration Conference will be held on Saturday, 11th February. We cordially invite you to the school as an important guest to discuss how to build an international education that is future- oriented, advanced in concept, shared in resources, and open and inclusive.

ISA Liwan STEAM Open Day

New year time is here, looking back at the past year, there have been busy, but also lucky. We are grateful for the stories, and full of longing for the future. On January 7th, the very first STEAM Open Day of ISA Liwan - Exploration and Discovery is coming!

Virtual Open Day

Through the splendid Autumn, waving goodbye to the light of Autumn, we meet the winter. At such a special time

2022-2023 ‘Your World’ Competition

The Your World is the British Council's flagship event. It’s a film-making competition where teams of three to five students

Discovering China Around You

October 17, 2022 is the ninth National Poverty Alleviation Day in China and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Together Join Our 2022 ISA Festival

It is the moment of getting together again! The long-awaited ceremony — ISA Festival will be held on Saturday, December 10th, at ISA Liwan Campus.
