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Campus Information

Connect to the Bright Future – JEE Centre

在我近三十年的执教生涯中,不少港澳台侨学生通过联招考试改变了自己未来的人生轨 迹。

Holiday Notice of Spring Festival

Dear parents and students of ISA Liwan,The Spring Festival Holiday is from Saturday, January 14th to Sunday, February 5th.

Winter Recommended Readings

A book is like a bridge that helps us to reach the other side where the sun shines. As an essential part of IB, reading makes children more focused, and be positive at inquiry and learning. Reading stimulates children's creativity, imagination and curiosity about the world. ISA Liwan is committed to developing children's reading habits so that they can become lifelong learners.

ISA International Education Group and Guangzhou No. 5 Secondary School Education Group signed the “Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement”

In response to the national initiative and to implement the guiding spirit of the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Education, on January 14, 2023, ISA International Education Group and Guangzhou No. 5 Secondary School Education Group signed the “Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement”. At the same time, ISA Liwan International School and Guangzhou No. 5 Secondary School also signed the “Memorandum of Understanding on Sister School Education Communication and Cooperation”.

Why are we doing assessment and observation?

Many parents may wonder: Why is an assessment required for children as young as kindergarten? What is special about the assessment? In the best international kindergartens, such as ISA Liwan, an assessment is required as part of the enrollment process.

Admissions Announcement 2023 Spring

ISA Liwan is looking for students who are inquisitive, creative, have their own unique ideas and are willing to implement
